sep 11 2007, JW
Now it has been six years. The global jihad proceeds apace, with well over 9,000 deadly attacks carried out in the course of those six years by believers in the proposition that "Islam must dominate, and not be dominated." Yet we are no closer as a society to recognizing how exactly to combat this foe, and our responses flail wildly -- witness this report that prisons have removed Jewish and Christian books from their libraries so as to allow them, within today's suffocating multiculturalist ethos, to remove also books advocating jihad violence and Islamic supremacism.
This is just one small example of a large-scale misallocation of resources and time that results from our fear and inability to say plainly that we are engaged in a defensive action against a global jihad, and that therefore we will unapologetically and forthrightly take action against the jihadists and their ideology without having to pretend that it is not a Muslim problem, or that Judaism and Christianity have exactly the same problem today.
... the fact that such elementary common sense is not taken for granted, but reviled and dismissed, does not bode well for the continuation of this conflict, as continue it surely will. Unless we begin to speak clearly about what we are facing and who is making us face it, the jihadists will continue, as they do now, to take advantage of our willful ignorance.